balanced beekeeping

Local bees, simple equipment, sustainable methods. Everything you need to start your beekeeping journey.

At Wild Hives we follow what could be described as a ‘balanced’ beekeeping approach bridging the gap, for many hobbyists today, between a commercial (honey farmers/migratory pollinators) and a hands off natural or conservationist (bee having/bee watching) approach in community and support of the next generation of new environmentally-aware beekeepers. We focus on sustainable ‘light touch’ methods and ‘simple’ equipment solutions that foster bee welfare and facilitates the bee’s natural behaviors while working well within their limits.

Our intention is to provide conditions in which our local bees may find their own natural solutions through minimal interference, restrained access to only plentiful resources, open-mated queens, and the timely use of artificial swarms and supersedure processes as a natural alternative to mite treatments with the understanding that if observation and testing determines more steps are needed that non-toxic natural substances are preferred in support of bee health and to protect our environment.

We support both urban and rural hobbyist beekeepers who want to keep bees on a modest scale and we do this through personal support, education, equipment, and the sale of local overwintered nucs and queens. We understand our main job, as beekeepers, is to learn from the bees who know best while also being mindful of our special responsibility as human beings to also be ‘earth-keepers’.



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